Industrial Water Supply

Water is a vital resource for industry, whether it is used as raw water, process water, or wastewater. In many cases, water must be treated before it can be used in industrial processes to ensure that it meets the required quality and properties. Additionally, with the increasing emphasis on zero liquid discharge (ZLD), there is a growing demand for solutions to recycle and reuse wastewater.
Water & waste water Reuse
Drinking water treatment
Boiler feed water treatment
Cooling water management
Our Solutions
Coarse and fine filtration
Scale and corrosion control
Microbiology control
Boiler feed water treatment
Condensate treatment
Cooling tower make-up water treatment
Cooling tower blow-down treatment

Engineered and custom designed solutions for unique water and equipment needs.

Turn-key solutions including design, engineering, manufacturing, automation, installation, maintenance and training.

State-of-art technologies for effective water and wastewater reuse.